‘Gus: Have you ever thought that your analysis of where America
is going could be wrong?
Chris: Of course, but what’s wrong with it in particular?
‘Gus: Well, not wrong, but that it is not inevitable.
Chris: Honestly, I guess I assumed if the 3D’s,
Disestablishment, Decentralization, and Demographics are major factors shaping
my country and my church, then they are inevitable.
‘Gus: You might be wrong, at least about inevitability… In point
of fact, I think this Trump guy everyone is so obsessed with might be trying to
curb the inevitability of the 3D’s, or maybe, in point of fact, is doing the
same thing you are thinking of doing—figuring out the best way to ride them to
a particular end.
Chris: I’m not like Trump!!!
‘Gus: Hold up… your end goal is to create people who fear, love,
and trust God, using the historical practices of the faith, in a world shaped
by the 3D’s.
Trump’s end goal is making America Great Again, he will do this
by using the 3D’s, in a world where people are worried about American Strength,
Safety, and Pride.
Chris: How is he using the three D’s… oh, my!
‘Gus: Exactly.
Chris: He’s telling everyone he’ll make people say, “Merry
Christmas” again—it is a grievance against the Disestablishment of Christianity
in America.
He’s used Twitter, a traditionally decentralized thing, to
create a centralized narrative—everyone is talking about what he says, he’s
shaping the discourse!
And his rattling the cages of anti-immigrant nationalists and
stoking the hurt of white middle class people who see their economic
demographics shift—it’s all there.
‘Gus: I wouldn’t put it all together like that, but essentially,
Chris: So… he sees the same zeitgeist as I do…
‘Gus: Without saying things like “Zeitgeist.”